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How to Know if a Friend is Only Using You and What to Do About It – Inspiring Tips

Being used by a friend
Photo by Shi Min Teh

In life, if we are lucky, nosotros meet people who go our friends for life. They listen to our woes, share our laughter, and assistance the states celebrate our milestones in life. If you already have these people in your life, then keep them shut and never let them go.

With that being said, there are times when we meet people who we think are our friends, merely they think otherwise. It may non look like that at first simply always remember that appearances can exist deceiving, and nosotros may non know information technology all the same only those who we're lending our shoulders to are actually the ones ready to stab united states of america in the back.

Signs your friend is only using y'all

How do you know if your friend is actually your friend and not someone who'southward using you? We've come up with five of import signs to look out for:

1. You're only her friend if she needs you.
As her friend, it'southward completely normal for her to inquire help from you, because that's what friends are for, right? We aid each other out in times of need. Only if your and then-called friend only remembers you when she has a trouble, then that can be a bit suspicious.

A simulated friend volition non waste her precious time keeping up the friendship with yous because she doesn't meet you the same way that you do, just this won't stop her from asking for your aid if the state of affairs benefits her. Y'all are just valuable to her if she needs something from you and the moment you give your help; she disappears as if naught has happened. You're nil but a passing retention to her.

2. She talks behind your back.
You may experience that you lot're non completely sure about this, because yous have merely heard whispers from your other friends besides. A true friend is someone who stays truthful fifty-fifty if y'all're not there and volition defend your accolade in forepart of people trying to defame it. A user friend, on the other paw, will accept advantage of your absenteeism in the group.

They will spout lies, embed doubts in the minds of other people, and they will try their best to brand you look bad. Information technology may be from their own insecurities, their own flaws, who knows? The important matter is that y'all know that your true friends won't believe a give-and-take of information technology.

ALSO READ: Imitation People: How to Identify and Deal with Them

iii. There'due south a need to feel in accuse.
If you lot're hanging out with a fake and user friend, you will go a sense of need to feel in charge. She decides where to go, what yous two are going to eat, and how you're going to spend your fourth dimension together. She doesn't value your input so why ask you in the get-go place?

If y'all feel left out or if you sense that she's making an attempt for yous to feel left out, and then it'southward meliorate to have note of these signs right away.

iv. She's not there when you need her.
A friend is someone whom y'all can rely on and you know that you're good at that. Simply when information technology comes to your so-called friend, you might say otherwise. She's never in that location for you in times of crisis, she doesn't hang out with y'all to catch up, and she basically doesn't care in general.

But when it comes to her, she insists on her presence and your involvement in her bug even at times when yous really can't assistance. If she does this a lot, you may want to get-go questioning her loyalty.

5. They get upset if you don't follow what they desire.
The last major sign to look out for is if they get upset if they don't get what they want from you. Let's say your "friend" appear out of nowhere after several weeks, asking to borrow some money from you for a problem. You reply that you'd similar to help just you're too tight as well then you have to say no.

If she's a true friend, she will understand and thank you for taking the time to help her, but if she's but using you, she volition not only exist upset but have the audacity to make yous feel guilty about not helping her in the beginning place.

Also READ: True Friends vs Fake Friends: What are the Differences?

How to deal with a selfish friend

At present that you've learned how to spot the signs of a simulated friend, information technology'southward fourth dimension to know what to do well-nigh them. Here are some ways to guide yous:

ane. Confront her almost it.
The first affair to practise is to simply face up her virtually it. Sit her downwardly one-on-one for a serious center-to-middle talk and let her know how her deportment or words are making y'all feel. Don't be afraid to tell her truthfully that you lot experience like she'due south only using you lot to her benefit.

She may deny this and defend herself, even turning the situation to become confronting yous, but if she's a true friend, she will non ostend your words, only instead volition apologize and say that those were non her intentions.

2. Don't give in and set some distance.
If you happen to have a user friend in your life, do your best to not give in. Even during times that y'all desire to, you should tell yourself to not do it because you know it will just feed an endless bike and that user will keep on depending on you lot. Information technology'southward as well healthy to set some limitations and altitude betwixt you and these "friends."

Never hesitate to choose your good for you mental land beginning before anything else.

3. Cut the cord off from your life.
Lastly, don't exist afraid to cut these toxic people from your life. Cut the cord off and let them go because, to be honest, you don't demand them, right? It's as simple as that.

Once you spot the people who are only using you to their advantage, the all-time decision all the time is to allow these people go. Y'all may hesitate because you may consider these people equally someone you're fond of, only the weighing of the decision is upwards to yous.

Always remember that it's never wrong to look out for yourself and to put yourself first.

ALSO READ: 10 Awesome Signs Your Friend is Worth Keeping

Carisha Yabora

Carisha lives for writing and painting. When she's not doing either of the 2, she is well-nigh likely to be seen petting stray dogs or commuting in high way boots.
