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Day 5 Gm Diet Indian Version

Are you still stuck with your boring diet plans? Are you still consuming tasteless food items for losing weight?

What if we tell you about a diet that can help you lose your extra kilos without torturing your taste buds?

Yes, it's true and it can be made possible using – GM diet plan.

Many health experts believe that this GM diet stimulates weight loss and helps in burning the fat much faster than any other diet plan. You just need to follow certain rules and eat a specific food item for each day for a week.

But, is it really true?

Let us find out about the detailed aspects of this diet in this article.

What is GM Diet?

The GM diet plan, also popularly known as the General Motors Diet Plan, is a diet plan that helps people to lose up to 15 pounds in just 1 week. In this diet plan, you focus on one particular food or food group for each day.

As an interesting fact, it is believed that this GM diet plan was created for the General Motor employees in the year 1985. (source: Indiatimes)

The GM diet plan is broken into 7-days with some strict rules about the food and the food group that you can consume each day. And mind you, there are no exemptions with the rules in this diet plan.

Though, the diet is formed using some strict rules but they can actually offer some amazing benefits to the people. The diet can help you in the following ways:

  • Lose up to 6.8kg or 15 pounds in just 1 week
  • Free your body from all the impurities and toxins
  • Improve your digestion power
  • Improve the ability of your body to burn fat

There are high chances that this diet plan is quite beneficial for the people as it reduces the daily consumption of calories. Most of the food items, included in this diet, are green vegetables and fruits that are rich in water content.

GM Diet 7 Days Plan for Weight Loss

Different Types of DM Diet :

Type 1 – GM Diet (Original Version)

GM diet works on one simple formula that you are allowed to eat only that many calories that will help burn more calories throughout the day. This diet plan works efficiently to remove all the unwanted fat from the body along with making you feel light and relaxed.

Along with working to remove the unwanted fat from the body, the GM diet also works its best to remove all the toxins from the body. It also enhances the normal functioning of the body along with removing the impurities without any hassles.

One of the best parts of the original version of the GM diet is that it is quite flexible to moderate according to the diverse food restrictions of the people. People can add their preferred version of the food item in their diet according to their likings to get its benefits, just like from the originally mentioned item.

The GM diet plan focuses on consuming 8-12 glasses of water for allowing better detoxification of the body. Consuming the required amount of water throughout the day not only keeps the person hydrated but also helps to cure other problems like constipation, gastric issues, etc.

Not only this, the original version of the GM diet also allows consuming meat in the form of Chicken, fish or beef, which is allowed in most of the other countries. And if you are a vegetarian, then you can replace meat with a cup of brown rice in your diet.

GM Diet Plan

Meal Plan GM Diet- 7 Days Plan
  • Eat only fruits (except bananas)
  • Drink 8-12 Glasses of Water
GM Diet Day 1
  • Eat Only Veigtable Cooked or Non-Cooked (limited potatoes only in Breakfast)
  • Drink 8-12 Glasses of Water
GM Diet Day 2
  • Eat Only Fruits & Vegetables (except Potato & Banana)
  • Drink 8-12 Glasses of Water
GM Diet Day 3
  • Eat Only 6 Large or 8 Small Bananas & Consume 3 Glass Milk
  • Drink 8-12 Glasses of Water
GM Diet Day 4
  • 10 Ounce (284 g) of Chicken, Fish or Beef
  • Vegetarian can replace the meat with brown rice or cottage cheese
  • Drink 10-14 Glasses of Water
GM Diet Day 5
  • 10 Ounce (284 gram) of Chicken, Fish or Beef
  • Vegetarian can replace the meat with brown rice or cottage cheese
  • Any Vegetables (except potatoes)
  • Drink 10-14 Glasses of Water
GM Diet Day 6
  • Eat only Fruits, Vegetable & Brown Rice
  • Drink 8-12 Glasses of Water
GM Diet Day 7

There were certain changes made in the original version of the diet for the Indian audiences, keeping in mind their beliefs and interests.

Let us have a detailed look at the Indian version of the GM diet that can be easily followed by the Indian people to get rid of the extra kilos within no time.

Type 2 – GM Diet Indian Version

After the original version of the GM diet, here is the Indian version of the diet that you can easily follow and lose your unwanted kilos.

GM Diet Day 1 – it includes Fruits

GM Diet Day 1- Only Fruits

You can include any fruit of your choice like melons or berries but should avoid including bananas in the diet. Make sure that you choose those fruits that are rich in fiber and have a good amount of water in that to keep you full for the maximum time.

You can divide your day in this manner:

  • 8 AM – 1 medium apple or a bowl of berries
  • 10:30 AM – ½ bowl of sliced muskmelon
  • 12:30 PM – 1 bowl of watermelon
  • 4 PM – 1 orange
  • 6:30 PM – 1 bowl of pomegranate salad with muskmelon
  • 8:30 PM – 1 bowl of mixed berries

The fiber-rich and water-rich fruits included in this day ensure to maintain the right amount of water content in the body. You can also feel the impurities and toxins being flushed out of your body. Also, these fruits will keep you full for the maximum time and thus will restrict the total consumption of calories to keep a check on the weight.

GM Diet Day 2 – it includes Vegetables

GM Diet Day 2: Only Vegetables

On this day, your main focus should be to only consume vegetables. The vegetables can either be raw or cooked according to your preference. Also, you should take care to limit the consumption of potatoes only for the breakfast time to keep the caloric count balanced.

You can divide your day in this manner:

  • 8 AM – 1 bowl of boiled potatoes
  • 10:30 AM – ½ bowl of cucumbers
  • 12:30 PM – 1 bowl of spinach, cucumber, and lettuce along with capsicum
  • 4 PM – ½ bowl of sliced carrots with a glass of lemon juice
  • 6:30 PM – 1 bowl of broccoli with green peas
  • 8:30 PM – 1 small bowl of cucumber

Vegetables contain all the required nutrients for the body that can provide the energy to keep going throughout the day. Also, as the chosen vegetables are rich in fiber, they can also work to improve the digestion process of the body.

GM Diet Day 3 – this should include both Fruits and Vegetables

GM Diet Day 3: Fruits and Vegetables

On the third day, people can combine different fruits and vegetables as they like. They can also consume the same fruits and vegetables which they consumed in the first and second day while avoiding potatoes and bananas in their diet plan.

Along with the diet, your body will also need 8-12 glasses of water to detoxify all the toxins and impurities. And if, you still feel hungry between the meals, you can also consume the GM diet special soup anytime you feel like.

You can divide your day in this manner:

  • 8 AM – 1 bowl of muskmelon
  • 10:30 AM – 1 small bowl of pineapple or pear
  • 12:30 PM – 1 bowl of spinach, lettuce, capsicum and cucumber
  • 4 PM – 1 small bowl of sliced carrots with 1 glass of lemon juice
  • 6:30 PM – 1 bowl of boiled broccoli with green peas
  • 8:30 PM – 1 small bowl of cucumbers

While you are on the halfway of the diet, your body will now start reacting and adjusting with the diet plan. With the right vegetables, you can provide the required nutrients to the body and the fruit will help to keep the body hydrated along with flushing out the toxins and impurities.

GM Diet Day 4 – this includes Banana and Milk

GM Diet Day 4: Only Banana and Milk

Yes, finally you can include bananas in your diet plan accompanied by milk. You can either eat bananas as a whole or can convert it into shake or smoothie using milk and ice.

But remember, on the 4th day of your diet, you can only eat bananas and no other fruit or vegetable is allowed on this day.

You can divide your day in this manner:

  • 8 AM – 2 bananas
  • 10:30 AM – 1 banana
  • 12:30 PM – banana milkshake (2 bananas, 1 glass of milk with some cocoa powder)
  • 4 PM – 2 bananas
  • 6:30 PM – 1 banana and 1 glass of milk; not banana milkshake
  • 8:30 PM – 1 glass of milk

The sufficient consumption of bananas will improve the concentration of pectin in the body and thus will improve digestion. It will also provide the needed energy to the body. On the other side, the intake of milk will make sure to maintain the right amount of potassium and calcium in the body.

GM Diet Day 5 – this includes Meat with Tomatoes

Meat With Tomato

Now, the original version of the diet contains beef but for the Indian version, you can get the power of protein by consuming fish or chicken breast. If you are a vegetarian person, you can include brown rice in your meals instead of meat.

You can also have the GM special soup at any time of the day if you feel hungry in between the meals.

You can divide your day in this manner:

  • 9 AM – 3 tomatoes
  • 12:30 PM – 1 small bowl of meat or brown rice sauté with vegetables and 2 tomatoes
  • 4 PM – 2 tomatoes
  • 6:30 PM – 1 large bowl of meat/ brown rice, 1 tomato

On this day, your body will get all the required fiber to improve its digestion along with getting the needed amount of protein and fatty acids. You will also notice some visible changes in your weight on this day.

GM Diet Day 6 – this includes Meat and Vegetables

On the 6th day, you can combine the meat with any of your favorite vegetables. Now, the vegetables can either be cooked or can be eaten raw.

The non-vegetarian people can eat fish or chicken breast to get the required protein. On the other hand, vegetarian people can always include brown rice in their diet in place of meat.

Make sure that the vegetables that you add to your brown rice are according to the diet plan that was followed on day 2 and day 3. Don't pick too much of potatoes for sauté vegetables.

You can divide your day in this manner:

  • 9 AM – 1 glass of carrot juice
  • 12:30 PM – 1 bowl of chicken/brown rice and ½ bowl of veggies
  • 4 PM – 1 small bowl of cucumber slices and GM special soup, if you feel like
  • 6:30 PM – 1 large bowl of chicken/brown rice and ½ bowl of veggies with cottage cheese

It should be taken care that no fruits are included in the diet on this day. And to keep you motivated to move further with the diet, the result of weight loss will now be visible on the 6th day, if you have followed the diet with all the rules and mentioned specifications.

GM Diet Day 7 – this includes Rice, Fruits and Vegetables

On this day, you can also add sugar-free juices in your diet. just like the whole diet plan, one should stay away from potatoes and bananas even on the last day of their diet.

You can divide your day in this manner:

  • 9 AM – 1 glass of apple or orange juice
  • 12:30 PM – 1 bowl of brown rice with ½ bowl of sauté vegetables
  • 4 PM – 1 bowl of watermelon with berries
  • 6:30 PM – 1 small bowl of GM special soup
  • 8:30 PM – 1 bowl of brown rice with cooked or raw vegetables

The rice and vegetables will provide the body with the required energy throughout the day. Also, the juices will keep the body hydrated along with removing the toxins from the body. Along with the sugar-free juices, you can also have some glasses of water, as and when you feel like.

So, this completes the 7-day GM diet plan which should be followed, strictly as mentioned, to lose weight and to improve the basic functioning of the body. The diet can also be trusted to improve the overall health of the person with minimal risk of any consequences.

So, when are you starting with the diet to witness some amazing benefits for your body?

How does GM Diet work for Weight Loss?

Weight Loss after GM Diet Plan

It cannot be denied that one of the best benefits of the GM diet is weight loss. It helps people to lose up to 15 pounds of weight in just 1 week.

Isn't it great? Well, yes it is!

But, do you know how this GM diet works for weight loss? Interestingly, the secret is in the diet itself.

Let us take a closer look to understand how the GM diet helps people to lose weight.

  1. Minimal caloric intake:

The main concept of this diet is that it ensures that the person consumes lesser calories than what he/she burns throughout the day. The entire diet plan is so designed that the person intakes minimal calories by eating only fruits and vegetables.

As a result of this, the person easily loses the unwanted kilos with the surety of not adding up the calories.

  1. More content of fiber:

Special care has been taken in designing the whole diet plan around the fruits and vegetables that are rich in water content and fibers. Now, you must be thinking how can this help in weight loss, right?

The high water and fiber concentration in the eatables ensures to keep the person full for the maximum time and thus avoids over-eating. This results in balancing and controlling the weight of the person with minimal hassles.

It is no rocket science to guess that if you are not over-eating, you can easily lose your unwanted kilos. You got the point!

  1. No additional sugar:

Along with minimal calories and high fiber content, the diet also sets its rules for the added sugar content. There is no scope for the person to consume any added sugar in the diet and this helps in maintaining their weight.

Not even a single item in the diet plan is rich in sugar content which ensures that the person can never gain any unwanted weight during the diet plan.

  1. Improved metabolism and digestion:

Another way in which this diet helps its followers to lose weight is by improving their metabolism and digestion strength. Thanks to the rich amount of fibers in the eatables, the users can be sure that their digestion and immune system will work in the best possible manner.

It also offers maximum time to the body to digest all the food that is consumed throughout the day.

One way or the other, the GM diet plan is totally focused and accurate in helping the people to lose their unwanted kilos in the most efficient way possible.

Benefits of GM Diet :

If you are looking for the benefits that you can avail from this amazing GM diet, then you are at the right place. Here, we are highlighting some of the best-known benefits of the diet plan that can be observed by the people:

  1. Weight loss:

One of the best benefits of this diet is weight loss. Since, most of the food items included in this diet plan are fruits and vegetables; it restricts the intake of more calories. As a result of the limited caloric intake, people tend to lose more weight than any other diet plan.

  1. Improves digestion:

Another benefit of this diet is its ability to improve digestion. The fruits and vegetables in this diet are quite rich in fiber content that ensures to keep you full for the maximum time. As a result, it reduces over-consumption and allows a good amount of time to the body for better digestion.

  1. Low sugar intake:

This diet strictly excludes all sources of added sugar in all its food and beverages. It reduces the overall sugar intake by the people and thus minimizes the risks of many health problems along with improving the health of the people.

Other than these main benefits, you can also expect to get these following benefits from the diet:

  • Improved health and texture of the skin
  • Enhanced and happy mood
  • Better metabolism and immune system
  • Detoxification
  • Aiding constipation

GM Diet Side Effects :

Well, as we all know, every coin has two sides. Irrespective of all the amazing benefits that this GM diet offers to the people, there are some side effects associated with it.

Would you be interested in knowing about the side effects of the GM diet? Well, here are some, for your knowledge:

  1. Lack of important nutrients:

As this diet focuses on consuming one particular food item for each day, there are chances that the people following the diet may miss some of the important nutrients.

The diet misses out on some of the essential vitamins and minerals that are offered by a variety of healthy food items. Along with this, it also lacks many healthy proteins and fat necessities for a human body.

  1. Short-term weight loss:

It is claimed by many health experts, that the weight loss achieved by this diet is only for a short period of time. The person will regain weight, once he/she stops following the diet.

This diet cannot be followed for the long term as it missed many parameters for healthful eating habits. As a result, you can only get its benefits as long as you are following the diet or for a very short duration after that.

Some other risks that may follow are:

  • Feeling fatigued
  • Muscle weakness
  • Headache
  • Degradation of physical performance, at times

GM Diet Soup Recipe :

One of the popular assets of the GM diet is its diet soup which can be consumed on any day and in any quantity so that the person doesn't feel hungry during the diet.

Here's a sneak peek at the recipe of this delicious GM soup that you can try.

Needed Ingredients:

  • 1 cabbage
  • 3 medium-sized tomatoes
  • 6 onions
  • 2 green peppers
  • Bunch of celery
  • ½ liter water

Method to prepare:

  • Chop all the onions and peppers and sauté them in olive oil until they get mild brown.
  • Next, cut all the cabbage, tomatoes and celery and add them to the pot with water
  • Let all the vegetables get boiled properly. It generally takes around 60-minutes for the soup to be prepared.
  • Once the soup is ready, you can add some salt and pepper to enjoy your delicious soup.

Summary :

GM diet plan does guarantee effective and successful weight loss within a specific time frame. However, with the diet, an individual may also miss some of the required and essential nutrients for the body. Also, it may be difficult to maintain the weight after the diet is over.

If you still have any questions related to the GM diet plan, then please do comment them below. We are here to assist you with the detailed information that will answer all your concerning thoughts.

Day 5 Gm Diet Indian Version
